
To use Syllabus with your existing training code you need to:

  1. Define a Task Spaces for your environment.

  2. Choose a Syllabus Curriculum.

  3. Wrap the curriculum with a Syllabus synchronization wrapper.

  4. Wrap your environment with a Syllabus TaskWrapper.

Define a Task Space#

The task space represents the range of tasks that you want your curriculum to sample from. For example, in procgen, the task space is usually a set of 200 seeds to train on.

from syllabus.task_space import TaskSpace
task_space = TaskSpace(200)

Creating a Syllabus Curriculum#

Either use one of the curricula built into Syllabus, or create your own by extending the Curriculum class.

from syllabus.curricula import DomainRandomization
curriculum = DomainRandomization(sample_env.task_space)

Synchronizing the Curriculum#

Use either the native multiprocessing or ray multiprocessing wrapper to synchronize the curriculum across environments. Syllabus creates a separate multiprocessing channel from your environments, so make sure to choose the same backend (either native or ray).

from syllabus.core import make_multiprocessing_curriculum
curriculum, task_queue, update_queue = make_multiprocessing_curriculum(curriculum)

Synchronizing the Environment#

Use the matching native multiprocessing or ray multiprocessing wrapper to synchronize the environments.

from syllabus.core import MultiProcessingSyncWrapper
env = MultiProcessingSyncWrapper(env, task_queue, update_queue)


For more help setting up Syllabus, check out our examples of how to integrate Syllabus with various popular RL libraries.