Source code for syllabus.core.stat_recorder

import dataclasses
import json
import math
import os
import warnings
from collections import deque

import numpy as np
import torch
from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete

from syllabus.task_space import TaskSpace

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class StatMean: # Compute using Welford'd Online Algorithm # Algo: # Math: n: int = 0 mu: float = 0 m2: float = 0
[docs] def result(self): if self.n == 0: return None return
[docs] def mean(self): return
[docs] def std(self): if self.n < 1: return None return math.sqrt(self.m2 / self.n)
def __sub__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, StatMean) n_new = self.n - other.n if n_new == 0: return StatMean(0, 0, 0) mu_new = ( * self.n - * other.n) / n_new delta = - mu_new m2_new = self.m2 - other.m2 - (delta**2) * n_new * other.n / self.n return StatMean(n_new, mu_new, m2_new) def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StatMean): other_n = other.n other_mu = other_m2 = other.m2 elif isinstance(other, torch.Tensor): other_n = other.numel() other_mu = other.mean().item() other_m2 = ((other - other_mu) ** 2).sum().item() else: other_n = 1 other_mu = other other_m2 = 0 # See parallelized Welford in wiki new_n = other_n + self.n delta = other_mu - += delta * (other_n / max(new_n, 1)) delta2 = other_mu - self.m2 += other_m2 + (delta2**2) * (self.n * other_n / max(new_n, 1)) self.n = new_n return self
[docs] def reset(self): = 0 self.n = 0
def __repr__(self): return repr(self.result())
[docs]class StatRecorder: """ Individual statistics tracking for each task. """ def __init__(self, task_space: TaskSpace, calc_past_n=None, task_names=None): """Initialize the StatRecorder""" self.task_space = task_space self.calc_past_n = calc_past_n self.task_names = task_names if task_names is not None else lambda task, idx: idx assert isinstance( self.task_space, TaskSpace), f"task_space must be a TaskSpace object. Got {type(task_space)} instead." assert isinstance(self.task_space.gym_space, Discrete), f"Only Discrete task spaces are supported. Got {type(task_space.gym_space)}" self.tasks = self.task_space.tasks self.num_tasks = self.task_space.num_tasks self.episode_returns = {task: StatMean() for task in self.tasks} self.episode_lengths = {task: StatMean() for task in self.tasks}
[docs] def record(self, episode_return: float, episode_length: int, episode_task, env_id=None): """ Record the length and return of an episode for a given task. :param episode_length: Length of the episode, i.e. the total number of steps taken during the episode :param episodic_return: Total return for the episode :param episode_task: Identifier for the task """ if episode_task not in self.tasks: raise ValueError(f"Stat recorder received unknown task {episode_task}.") self.episode_returns[episode_task] += episode_return self.episode_lengths[episode_task] += episode_length
[docs] def get_metrics(self, log_n_tasks=1): """Log the statistics of the first 5 tasks to the provided tensorboard writer. :param writer: Tensorboard summary writer. :param log_n_tasks: Number of tasks to log statistics for. Use -1 to log all tasks. """ tasks_to_log = self.tasks if len(self.tasks) > log_n_tasks and log_n_tasks != -1: warnings.warn(f"Too many tasks to log {len(self.tasks)}. Only logging stats for 1 task.", stacklevel=2) tasks_to_log = self.tasks[:log_n_tasks] logs = [] for idx in tasks_to_log: if self.episode_returns[idx].n > 0: name = self.task_names(list(self.task_space.tasks)[idx], idx) logs.append((f"tasks/{name}_episode_return", self.episode_returns[idx].mean())) logs.append((f"tasks/{name}_episode_length", self.episode_lengths[idx].mean())) return logs
[docs] def normalize(self, reward, task): """ Normalize reward by task. :param reward: Reward to normalize :param task: Task to normalize reward by """ task_return_stats = self.episode_returns[task] reward_std = task_return_stats.std() normalized_reward = deque(maxlen=reward.maxlen) for r in reward: normalized_reward.append(r / max(0.01, reward_std)) return normalized_reward
[docs] def save_statistics(self, output_path): """ Write task-specific statistics to file. :param output_path: Path to save the statistics file. """ def convert_numpy(obj): if isinstance(obj, np.generic): return obj.item() # Use .item() to convert numpy types to native Python types raise TypeError stats = json.dumps(self.episode_returns, default=convert_numpy) with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'task_specific_stats.json'), "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(stats)