Source code for syllabus.curricula.plr.direct_plr_wrapper

import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import gymnasium as gym
import torch

from syllabus.core import Curriculum
from syllabus.task_space import DiscreteTaskSpace, MultiDiscreteTaskSpace

from .task_sampler import TaskSampler

[docs]class RolloutStorage(object): def __init__( self, num_steps: int, num_processes: int, ): self.tasks = torch.zeros(num_steps, num_processes, self.masks = torch.ones(num_steps, num_processes, self.scores = torch.zeros(num_steps + 1, num_processes) self.num_processes = num_processes self.actor_steps = torch.zeros(num_processes, self.actors = set()
[docs] def to(self, device): self.tasks = self.masks = self.scores =
[docs] def insert(self, tasks, masks, scores, actors): steps = tasks.shape[0] for step in range(steps): self.tasks[self.actor_steps[actors] + step, actors] =[step] self.masks[self.actor_steps[actors] + step, actors] = masks.cpu()[step] self.scores[self.actor_steps[actors] + step, actors] = scores.cpu()[step] self.scores[self.actor_steps[actors] + steps, actors] = scores.cpu()[steps] self.actor_steps[actors] += steps self.actors.update(actors)
[docs] def after_update(self): self.masks[0].copy_(self.masks[-1]) self.actor_steps = torch.zeros(self.num_processes, self.actors = set()
[docs] def ready(self): return len(self.actors) == self.num_processes
[docs]class DirectPrioritizedLevelReplay(Curriculum): """ Prioritized Level Replay (PLR) Curriculum. Args: task_space (TaskSpace): The task space to use for the curriculum. *curriculum_args: Positional arguments to pass to the curriculum. task_sampler_kwargs_dict (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the task sampler. See TaskSampler for details. action_space (gym.Space): The action space to use for the curriculum. Required for some strategies. device (str): The device to use to store curriculum data, either "cpu" or "cuda". num_steps (int): The number of steps to store in the rollouts. num_processes (int): The number of parallel environments. suppress_usage_warnings (bool): Whether to suppress warnings about improper usage. **curriculum_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the curriculum. """ def __init__( self, task_space: Union[DiscreteTaskSpace, MultiDiscreteTaskSpace], *curriculum_args, task_sampler_kwargs_dict: dict = None, action_space: gym.Space = None, device: str = "cpu", num_steps: int = 256, num_processes: int = 64, suppress_usage_warnings=False, **curriculum_kwargs, ): # Preprocess curriculum intialization args if task_sampler_kwargs_dict is None: task_sampler_kwargs_dict = {} self._strategy = task_sampler_kwargs_dict.get("strategy", None) if not isinstance(task_space, (DiscreteTaskSpace, MultiDiscreteTaskSpace)): raise ValueError( f"Task space must be discrete or multi-discrete, got {task_space}." ) if "num_actors" in task_sampler_kwargs_dict and task_sampler_kwargs_dict['num_actors'] != num_processes: warnings.warn( f"Overwriting 'num_actors' {task_sampler_kwargs_dict['num_actors']} in task sampler kwargs with PLR num_processes {num_processes}.", stacklevel=2) task_sampler_kwargs_dict["num_actors"] = num_processes super().__init__(task_space, *curriculum_args, **curriculum_kwargs) self._num_steps = num_steps # Number of steps stored in rollouts and used to update task sampler self._num_processes = num_processes # Number of parallel environments self._device = device self._supress_usage_warnings = suppress_usage_warnings self._task2index = {task: i for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks)} self._task_sampler = TaskSampler(self.tasks, self._num_steps, action_space=action_space, **task_sampler_kwargs_dict) self._rollouts = RolloutStorage( self._num_steps, self._num_processes, ) # TODO: Fix this feature self.num_updates = 0 # Used to ensure proper usage self.num_samples = 0 # Used to ensure proper usage
[docs] def update(self, tasks, scores, dones, actors=None): """ Update the curriculum with arbitrary inputs. """ if actors is None: actors = torch.arange(self._num_processes) self.num_updates += 1 masks = torch.Tensor(1 - # Update rollouts self._rollouts.insert(tasks, masks, scores, actors) # Update task sampler if self._rollouts.ready(): self._task_sampler._update_with_scores(self._rollouts) self._rollouts.after_update() self._task_sampler.after_update()
def _sample_distribution(self) -> List[float]: """ Returns a sample distribution over the task space. """ return self._task_sampler.sample_weights()
[docs] def sample(self, k: int = 1) -> Union[List, Any]: self.num_samples += 1 if self._should_use_startup_sampling(): return self._startup_sample() else: return [self._task_sampler.sample() for _ in range(k)]
[docs] def log_metrics(self, writer, logs, step=None, log_n_tasks=1): """ Log the task distribution to the provided tensorboard writer. """ logs = [] if logs is None else logs metrics = self._task_sampler.metrics() logs.append(("curriculum/proportion_seen", metrics["proportion_seen"])) logs.append(("curriculum/score", metrics["score"])) tasks = range(self.num_tasks) if self.num_tasks > log_n_tasks and log_n_tasks != -1: warnings.warn(f"Too many tasks to log {self.num_tasks}. Only logging stats for 1 task.", stacklevel=2) tasks = tasks[:log_n_tasks] for idx in tasks: name = self.task_names(self.tasks[idx], idx) logs.append((f"curriculum/{name}_staleness", metrics["task_staleness"][idx])) logs.append((f"curriculum/{name}_score", metrics["task_scores"][idx])) return super().log_metrics(writer, logs, step=step, log_n_tasks=log_n_tasks)