from typing import Any, List, SupportsFloat, SupportsInt, Union
import numpy as np
from gymnasium.spaces import Box
from syllabus.core import Curriculum
[docs]class SimulatedAnnealing(Curriculum):
""" Curriculum that anneals a set of values from start_values to end_values over a set number of steps."""
def __init__(
start_values: List[SupportsFloat],
end_values: List[SupportsFloat],
total_steps: Union[int, List[int]],
""" Initialize the SimulatedAnnealing curriculum.
:param start_values: The initial values of the curriculum.
:param end_values: The final values of the curriculum.
:param total_steps: The total number of steps to anneal the curriculum over.
super().__init__(*curriculum_args, **curriculum_kwargs)
assert isinstance(
self.task_space.gym_space, Box
), "AnnealingBoxCurriculum only supports Box task spaces."
self.start_values = np.array(start_values, dtype=np.float32)
self.end_values = np.array(end_values, dtype=np.float32)
# Convert total_steps to list if necessary
if isinstance(total_steps, SupportsInt):
total_steps = [total_steps]
self.total_steps = np.array(total_steps, dtype=np.int32)
assert len(self.start_values) == len(self.end_values), "Length of start_values and end_values must be the same."
assert all(x > 0 for x in self.total_steps), "All elements of total_steps must be greater than 0."
self.current_step = 0
[docs] def update_on_episode(self, episode_return, length, task, progress, env_id=None) -> None:
Update the curriculum with episode results from the environment.
self.current_step += length
[docs] def sample(self, k: int = 1) -> Union[List, Any]:
Sample k tasks from the curriculum.
# Linear annealing from start_values to end_values
annealed_values = (
self.start_values + (self.end_values - self.start_values) *
np.minimum(self.current_step, self.total_steps) / self.total_steps
return [annealed_values.copy() for _ in range(k)]