import itertools
import typing
import warnings
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete, MultiDiscrete, Space
from syllabus.utils import UsageError
[docs]class TaskSpace:
TaskSpace is an extension of gym spaces that allows for efficient encoding and decoding of tasks.
This is useful for environments that have a large number of tasks or require complex task representations.
Encoding tasks provides several advantages:
1. Minimizing the bandwidth required to transfer tasks between processes
2. Simplifying the task formats that curricula need to support
3. Allowing the environment to use a convenient and interpretable task format, with no impact on performance
def __init__(self, space_or_value: Union[Space, int, List, Tuple], tasks: List[Any] = None):
Generic TaskSpace initialization. Provides syntactic sugar for creating gym spaces.
:param space_or_value: gym space or value that can be parsed into a gym space
:type space_or_value: Union[Space, int, List, Tuple]
:param tasks: The corresponding task representations
:type tasks: List[Any], optional
# Syntactic sugar for creating gym spaces
if isinstance(space_or_value, Space):
self.gym_space = space_or_value
self.gym_space = self._create_gym_space(space_or_value)
# Autogenerate task names
if tasks is None:
tasks = self._generate_task_names(self.gym_space)
self._task_set = set(tasks)
self._task_list = tasks
def _create_gym_space(self, gym_space: Space):
Create a gym space from a simple value.
:param gym_space: A simple value to create a gym space from
:type gym_space: Space
:return: Created gym space
:rtype: Space
if isinstance(gym_space, int):
gym_space = Discrete(gym_space)
elif isinstance(gym_space, (tuple, list)):
gym_space = MultiDiscrete(gym_space)
return gym_space
def _generate_task_names(self, gym_space: Space):
Generate basic task names for a gym space.
:param gym_space: A gymnasium space
:type gym_space: Space
:return: List of task names
:rtype: List
if isinstance(gym_space, Discrete):
tasks = list(range(gym_space.n))
elif isinstance(gym_space, MultiDiscrete):
tasks = [tuple(range(dim)) for dim in gym_space.nvec]
tasks = []
return tasks
[docs] def decode(self, encoding: Any) -> Any:
Convert the task encoding to the original task representation.
This method provides generic decoding safety checks for all task spaces, and
calls the specific _decode method for each task space. It will throw a
UsageError if the encoding cannot be decoded into the task space.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: Any
:return: Decoded task that can be used by the environment
:rtype: Any
return self._decode(encoding)
except KeyError as e:
# Check if task is already in decoded form
warnings.warn(f"Task encoding already decoded: {encoding}", stacklevel=2)
return encoding
except (KeyError, TypeError):
raise UsageError(f"Failed to decode task encoding: {encoding}") from e
except ValueError as e:
raise UsageError(f"Failed to decode task encoding: {encoding}") from e
[docs] def encode(self, task: Any) -> Any:
Convert the task to an efficient encoding to speed up multiprocessing.
This method provides generic encoding safety checks for all task spaces,
and calls the specific _encode method for each task space. It will throw a
UsageError if the task is not in the task space or cannot be encoded.
:param task: Task to encode
:type task: Any
:return: Encoded task
:rtype: Any
return self._encode(task)
except KeyError as e:
warnings.warn(f"Task already encoded: {task}", stacklevel=2)
return task
except (KeyError, TypeError):
raise UsageError(f"Failed to encode task: {task}") from e
except ValueError as e:
raise UsageError(f"Failed to encode task: {task}") from e
def _decode(self, encoding: Any) -> Any:
Convert the task encoding to the original task representation.
Subclasses should implement this method for their decoding logic.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: Any
:return: Decoded task representation
:rtype: Any
raise NotImplementedError
def _encode(self, task: Any) -> Any:
Convert the task to an efficient encoding to speed up multiprocessing.
Subclasses should implement this method for their encoding logic.
:param task: Task to encode
:type task: Any
:return: Encoded task
:rtype: Any
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def contains(self, encoding: Any) -> bool:
Check if the encoding is a valid task in the task space.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: Any
:return: Boolean specifying if the encoding is a valid task
:rtype: bool
return encoding in self._task_set or self._decode(encoding) in self._task_set
def tasks(self) -> List[Any]:
Return the list of all tasks in the task space.
:return: List of all tasks
:rtype: List[Any]
return self._task_list
def num_tasks(self) -> int:
Return the number of tasks in the task space.
:return: Number of tasks
:rtype: int
return len(self._task_list)
[docs] def task_name(self, task: int) -> str:
Return the name of the task.
:param task: Task to get the name of
:type task: int
:return: Name of the task
:rtype: str
return repr(self._decode(task))
[docs]class DiscreteTaskSpace(TaskSpace):
"""Task space for discrete tasks."""
def __init__(self, space_or_value: Union[Space, int], tasks=None):
Initialize a discrete task space.
:param space_or_value: gym space or value that can be parsed into a gym space
:type space_or_value: Union[Space, int]
:param tasks: The corresponding tasks representations
:type tasks: List[Any], optional
super().__init__(space_or_value, tasks)
# Use space efficient implementation for sequential task spaces
self._sequential = self._is_sequential(self.tasks)
if self._sequential:
self._first_task = self.tasks[0] # First and smallest task
self._last_task = self.tasks[-1] # Last and largest task
self._encode_map = {task: i for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks)}
self._decode_map = {i: task for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks)}
def _is_sequential(self, tasks: List[int]):
Check if the tasks are sequential integers.
:param tasks: List of tasks
:type tasks: List[int]
:return: Boolean specifying if the tasks are sequential integers
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(tasks[0], (int, np.integer)) and tuple(tasks) == tuple(range(tasks[0], tasks[-1] + 1))
def _decode(self, encoding: int) -> int:
Convert the task encoding to the original task representation.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: int
:return: Decoded task representation
:rtype: int
assert isinstance(encoding, (int, np.integer)), f"Encoding must be an integer. Got {type(encoding)} instead."
if self._sequential:
task = encoding + self._first_task
if task < self._first_task or task > self._last_task:
raise UsageError(f"Encoding {encoding} does not map to a task in the task space")
return task
return self._decode_map[encoding]
def _encode(self, task: int) -> int:
Convert the task to an efficient encoding.
:param task: Task to encode
:type task: int
:return: Encoded task
:rtype: int
if self._sequential:
assert isinstance(task, (int, np.integer)), f"Task must be an integer. Got {type(task)} instead."
if task < self._first_task or task > self._last_task:
raise UsageError(f"Task {task} is not in the task space")
return task - self._first_task
return self._encode_map[task]
[docs] def sample(self) -> int:
Sample a task from the task space.
:return: Sampled task
:rtype: int
sample = self.gym_space.sample()
return self._decode(sample)
[docs] def seed(self, seed: int):
Seed the task space.
:param seed: Seed value
:type seed: int
[docs]class BoxTaskSpace(TaskSpace):
"""Task space for continuous tasks."""
def _decode(self, encoding: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Convert the task encoding to the original task representation.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: np.ndarray
:return: Decoded task representation
:rtype: np.ndarray
:raises UsageError: If encoding does not map to a task in the task space
assert isinstance(encoding, np.ndarray), f"Encoding must be a numpy array. Got {type(encoding)} instead."
if not self.contains(encoding):
raise UsageError(f"Encoding {encoding} does not map to a task in the task space")
return encoding
def _encode(self, task: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Convert the task to an efficient encoding.
:param task: Task to encode
:type task: np.ndarray
:return: Encoded task
:rtype: np.ndarray
return task
[docs] def sample(self) -> np.ndarray:
Sample a task from the task space.
:return: Sampled task
:rtype: np.ndarray
sample = self.gym_space.sample()
return self._decode(sample)
[docs] def seed(self, seed: int):
Seed the task space.
:param seed: Seed value
:type seed: int
def tasks(self) -> List[Any]:
Return the list of all tasks in the task space.
:return: List of all tasks
:rtype: List[Any]
return None
def num_tasks(self) -> int:
Return the number of tasks in the task space.
:return: Number of tasks
:rtype: int
return -1
[docs] def task_name(self, task: np.ndarray) -> str:
Return the name of the task.
:param task: Task to get the name of
:type task: np.ndarray
:return: Name of the task
:rtype: str
return repr(self._decode(task))
[docs] def contains(self, encoding: np.ndarray) -> bool:
Return boolean specifying if encoding is a valid member of this space.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: np.ndarray
:return: Boolean specifying if encoding is a valid task
:rtype: bool
if not isinstance(encoding, np.ndarray):
encoding = np.asarray(encoding, dtype=self.gym_space.dtype)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
shape_check = encoding.shape == self.gym_space.shape
bounds_check = np.all((encoding >= self.gym_space.low) & (encoding <= self.gym_space.high))
return shape_check and bounds_check
# def to_multidiscrete(self, grid_points: Union[int, List[int]]):
# # Convert to Box Task Space to MultiDiscrete Task Space
# if isinstance(self.gym_space, Box):
# elements = self.gym_space.shape[0]
# print(self.gym_space.shape)
[docs]class MultiDiscreteTaskSpace(TaskSpace):
"""Task space for multi-discrete tasks."""
def __init__(self, space_or_value: Union[MultiDiscrete, int], tasks: Union[List[Any], Tuple[Any]] = None, flatten: bool = False):
Initialize a multi-discrete task space.
:param space_or_value: gym space or value that can be parsed into a gym space
:type space_or_value: Union[MultiDiscrete, int]
:param tasks: The corresponding tasks representations
:type tasks: Union[List[Any], Tuple[Any]], optional
:param flatten: Whether to flatten the encoding into a discrete list
:type flatten: bool
super().__init__(space_or_value, tasks)
self.flatten = flatten
self._all_tasks = list(itertools.product(*self._task_list))
self._encode_maps = [{task: i for i, task in enumerate(tasks)} for tasks in self._task_list]
self._decode_maps = [{i: task for i, task in enumerate(tasks)} for tasks in self._task_list]
def _is_sequential(self, tasks: List[int]) -> bool:
Check if the tasks are sequential integers.
:param tasks: List of tasks
:type tasks: List[int]
:return: Boolean specifying if the tasks are sequential integers
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(tasks[0], (int, np.integer)) and tuple(tasks) == tuple(range(tasks[0], tasks[-1] + 1))
def _decode(self, encoding: Union[int, Tuple[int]]) -> Tuple[int]:
Convert the task encoding to the original task representation.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: Union[int, Tuple[int]]
:return: Decoded task representation
:rtype: Tuple[int]
assert isinstance(encoding, (int, np.integer, tuple)
), f"Encoding must be an integer or tuple. Got {type(encoding)} instead."
if self.flatten:
assert isinstance(encoding, (int, np.integer)
), f"Encoding must be an integer. Got {type(encoding)} instead."
encoding = np.unravel_index(encoding, self.gym_space.nvec)
if len(encoding) != len(self._decode_maps):
raise UsageError(
f"Encoding length ({len(encoding)}) must match number of discrete spaces ({len(self._decode_maps)})")
return tuple(decode_map[t] for decode_map, t in zip(self._decode_maps, encoding))
def _encode(self, task: Tuple[Any]) -> int:
Convert the task to an efficient encoding.
:param task: Task to encode
:type task: Tuple[Any]
:return: Encoded task
:rtype: int
if len(task) != len(self._encode_maps):
raise UsageError(
f"Task length ({len(task)}) must match number of discrete spaces ({len(self._encode_maps)})")
encoding = tuple(encode_map[t] for encode_map, t in zip(self._encode_maps, task))
if self.flatten:
encoding = np.ravel_multi_index(encoding, self.gym_space.nvec)
return encoding
[docs] def sample(self):
Sample a task from the task space.
:return: Sampled task
:rtype: int
sample = self.gym_space.sample()
if self.flatten:
sample = np.ravel_multi_index(sample, self.gym_space.nvec)
return self._decode(sample)
[docs] def seed(self, seed: int):
Seed the task space.
:param seed: Seed value
:type seed: int
def tasks(self) -> List[Any]:
Return the list of all tasks in the task space.
:return: List of all tasks
:rtype: List[Any]
return self._all_tasks
def num_tasks(self) -> int:
Return the number of tasks in the task space.
:return: Number of tasks
:rtype: int
return int(
[docs]class TupleTaskSpace(TaskSpace):
"""Task space for tuple tasks. Can be used to combine multiple task spaces into a single task space."""
def __init__(self, task_spaces: Tuple[TaskSpace], space_names: Tuple = None, flatten: bool = False):
Initialize a tuple task space.
:param task_spaces: Tuple of task spaces
:type task_spaces: Tuple[TaskSpace]
:param space_names: Names of the spaces
:type space_names: Tuple, optional
:param flatten: Whether to flatten the encoding into a discrete list
:type flatten: bool
super().__init__(None, None)
self.task_spaces = task_spaces
self.space_names = space_names
self.flatten = flatten
if self.flatten:
for space in self.task_spaces:
if hasattr(space, "flatten"):
space.flatten = self.flatten
self._all_tasks = None
self._task_nums = tuple(space.num_tasks for space in self.task_spaces)
def _is_sequential(self, tasks: Tuple[int]) -> bool:
Check if the tasks are sequential integers.
:param tasks: List of tasks
:type tasks: Tuple[int]
:return: Boolean specifying if the tasks are sequential integers
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(tasks[0], (int, np.integer)) and tuple(tasks) == tuple(range(tasks[0], tasks[-1] + 1))
def _decode(self, encoding: Union[int, Tuple[Any]]) -> Tuple[int]:
Convert the task encoding to the original task representation.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: int
:return: Decoded task representation
:rtype: Tuple[Any]
assert isinstance(encoding, (int, np.integer, tuple)
), f"Encoding must be an integer or tuple. Got {type(encoding)} instead."
if self.flatten:
assert isinstance(encoding, (int, np.integer)
), f"Encoding must be an integer. Got {type(encoding)} instead."
encoding = np.unravel_index(encoding, self._task_nums)
if len(encoding) != len(self.task_spaces):
raise UsageError(
f"Encoding length ({len(encoding)}) must match number of task spaces ({len(self.task_spaces)})")
return tuple(space.decode(t) for space, t in zip(self.task_spaces, encoding))
def _encode(self, task: Tuple[Any]):
Convert the task to an efficient encoding.
:param task: Task to encode
:type task: Tuple[Any]
:return: Encoded task
:rtype: int
if len(task) != len(self.task_spaces):
raise UsageError(
f"Task length ({len(task)}) must match number of task spaces ({len(self.task_spaces)})")
encoding = tuple(space.encode(t) for space, t in zip(self.task_spaces, task))
if self.flatten:
encoding = np.ravel_multi_index(encoding, self._task_nums)
return encoding
[docs] def contains(self, encoding: int) -> bool:
Check if the encoding is a valid task in the task space.
:param encoding: Encoding of the task
:type encoding: int
:return: Boolean specifying if the encoding is a valid task
:rtype: bool
for element, space in zip(encoding, self.task_spaces):
if not space.contains(element):
return False
return True
[docs] def sample(self) -> Tuple[Any]:
Sample a task from the task space.
:return: Sampled task
:rtype: Tuple[Any]
return [space.sample() for space in self.task_spaces]
[docs] def seed(self, seed: int):
Seed all subspaces.
:param seed: Seed value
:type seed: int
for space in self.task_spaces:
def tasks(self) -> List[Any]:
Return the list of all tasks in the task space.
:return: List of all tasks
:rtype: List[Any]
if self._all_tasks is None:
task_lists = [space.tasks for space in self.task_spaces]
self._all_tasks = list(itertools.product(*task_lists))
return self._all_tasks
def num_tasks(self) -> int:
Return the number of tasks in the task space.
:return: Number of tasks
:rtype: int
return int(
[docs] def task_name(self, task: Tuple[int]) -> str:
Return the name of the task.
:param task: Task to get the name of
:type task: Tuple[int]
:return: Name of the task
:rtype: str
return repr(self._decode(task))